Object Wars - 0.5

Object Wars - Update 0.5


Download the update now: https://noiros.itch.io/object-wars or on Steam if you have a key (request a key at https://discord.gg/uGxKn6z22g).

Content Additions

  • Joinable Games: In preparation for the next version, Team Deathmatch games are now joinable even after the game has started!
  • Complete Lobby Redesign: To prepare for the release of the next version, we have begun redesigning the art direction of the interfaces. The lobby is an example of what the entire game will look like in version 0.6.
  • Music Overhaul: For the next update, we plan to rework the entire game soundtrack. In this version, you can already discover some of the mock-ups of the 0.6 music!
  • Weapon Shop: A complete overhaul of the weapon shop has been done to make it more intuitive.
  • Player Count: For Team Deathmatch, we are changing from 4v4 to 5v5.
  • Region Server Relocation: In version 0.4, we introduced region matchmaking, but due to the low player count, we disabled it so everyone can play together regardless of location (all games take place in the Frankfurt data center).
  • Directional Thruster: Following numerous requests, the thruster can now expel horizontally.
  • Spatial Sound: The integration of Wwise now allows us to have complete spatial sound and sound diffraction on walls, all coupled with Dolby Atmos.
  • New Weapon: The Auger, a burst weapon that fires 3 bullets at once, very accurate and effective at long range.
  • Firing Effects: The goal of this update was to greatly improve the in-game feel through sounds, but also through firing visuals.
  • Jiggle on Skins: Addition of a motion effect on certain customizations to simulate fabric or other elements.
  • Sounds: With the addition of Wwise, we took the opportunity to redo almost all the game sounds (weapons, footsteps, etc.).
  • Anti-Cheat (activated in the next update): Implementation of EasyAntiCheat at game launch to prevent cheating.
  • New Map "Cave" (activated in the next update): The "Cave" map has been added to the game files.
  • Slide/Dash (temporarily disabled for this release): After months of work, the slide is finally integrated. It allows you to maintain your momentum when falling or simply slide quickly on slopes.


    • Freezes on First Launch: Added shader precompilation to prevent regular freezes during the first few games.
    • Loading Times: Cleaned up preloaded resources to improve loading times (-80% loading time).
    • General Game Optimizations: Massive optimizations of several aspects of the game (+30% FPS compared to 0.4).
    • Mac Support: Fixed some issues on the macOS version.

    Technical Changes

    • Network Infrastructure Update: This update finally allows us to support custom games and the future friend system.

    New Skins

    • Egg
    • Egg Hat
    • Groucho Glasses

    Known Bugs

    • Some light squares in the main map.
    • The Pinshooter has no sound.
    • Some sounds are missing, such as shields, jump pad, and ambient sounds.
    • Joining a game does not directly open the shop.
    • Magnum is displayed incorrectly when aiming in first person.

    What's Next?

    After many discussions and hesitations, we will unfortunately have to perform a complete game reboot. This will allow us to have better control of the game. Moreover, this version will bring many significant changes and should take 2 months of development!

  • Files

    Object Wars | Windows 2 GB
    Version 56 5 hours ago
    Object Wars | MacOs 2.1 GB
    Version 57 5 hours ago
    Object Wars | Linux 2 GB
    Version 56 5 hours ago

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